In general, Shepard said, "They had a hard time. (Spiro Agnew, who had been elected as Nixon's vice president in 1968 and 1972, had resigned in October 1973 after pleading no contest to a charge of tax evasion.). That happened a long time ago. They have always backed what I do. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Bob Woodward: Yes, we are. Pakula wrote that Redford would have to scrap his charm. Ben Bradlee: We were being very careful. In 1992, Bernstein wrote a cover story for The New Republic magazine indicting modern journalism for its sensationalism and celebration of gossip over real news. Between 1980 and 1984, Bernstein was the network's Washington Bureau Chief and then a senior correspondent. He joined the Washington Post's metropolitan staff in 1971. But the new Woodward and Bernstein piece was remarkably good, in a sense, of placing the crimes of the Nixon White House in a broader campaign of a war against lawful dissent to the Vietnam War that expanded to the media and the opposition Democrats. We were reporting on the Presidents men, and the White House people, the Attorney General, John Mitchell, people in the Nixon campaign, the Committee to Re-Elect the President, and the focus was not Nixon. Alfred E. Lewis, a veteran police reporter for the newspaper, wrote the first story of the break-ins at the Watergate Hotel a day before the first Woodward and Bernstein article. Its not clear, its obscure. The movie All the Presidents Men placed Woodward and Bernstein at the decisive center of Watergates unraveling. Are there particular novels of his that you remember liking? But even they seemed to take the wrong lessons from what they'd done. He yelled, Stop! We actually published three papers with it before they stopped us, and then we were in the courts for 12 days. ." He was rebellious, which led to him failing out of college. WASHINGTON Watching Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on stage at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday night was like a Simon and Garfunkel reunion. This was later confirmed by both Woodward and Bernstein. In those days, you worried terribly about typos. And it was the origins of the tradition of every scandal after having the suffix, "gate" added onto it at the end of its title to stress how important it is. Woodward was assigned to cover the breaking story, along with a younger but more experienced reporter, Carl Bernstein. But in fact at that time, we were. Yes. One morning in June of 71 I think, they led the newspaper with it, with eight-column banners. Are you and Bernstein still friends? Ben Bradlee: That we had really done a really good job. Bull---- artist. .component--type-recirculation .item:nth-child(5) { He attended Yale University on a Naval ROTC scholarship, and majored in history and English literature. Bob Woodward: Or The Sound and the Fury, which is his great book. Ben Bradlee: Its a good story. In some ways, Carl lives in the shadow of Bob Woodward. That version of Watergate has long dominated popular understanding of the scandal, which unfolded over 26 months beginning in June 1972. Bernstein's career since Watergate has continued to focus on the theme of the use and abuse of power via books and magazine articles. They said, Keep going. Soon other newspapers began to investigate the Watergate story more energetically, and legislative and judicial agencies began to uncover a larger and larger pattern of lawbreaking. [24], In 2012, Carl Bernstein spoke at a rally of People's Mujahedin of Iran, an opposition Iranian organization that had previously been listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States, reportedly receiving a payment for his speech.[25]. Some people haven't seen it yet. Landed at The Washington Post in 1971, had nine months reporting experience. Carl Milton Bernstein (/ b r n s t i n / BURN-steen; born February 14, 1944) is an American investigative journalist and author.While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Bernstein was teamed up with Bob Woodward, and the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal.These scandals led to numerous government investigations and the eventual . You dont think of them as real authorities in the question of what is classified and what isnt, and what is a threat to the United States and what isnt. They were 30 and 31.". But Bernstein and Woodward were already branching out into another form of journalism, having secured a contract to write a book on their Watergate investigations. What it turned out was that the question hinged on whether or not he had told that to the grand jury, and since he hadnt, he was able to say No. He wasnt asked was there a slush fund, which, of course, there was. On stage, Dean Martin was the suave crooner while Jerry Lewis was the lovable buffoon. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. But together they did something that neither one of them could do individually. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Democratic National Committee in the Watergate complex. [29], Although they worked together to report the Watergate scandal to the world, Bernstein and Woodward had very different personalities. I got there just as Hoffman broke from the building. So I dont make those kinds of assessments. Who would be dumb enough to work on this story on a Saturday morning? And they thought of me immediately. Stop!, Bernstein recalled in a 1975 interview, now in Pakulas archive, that big crowds were outside. People who went to Wheaton College had to sign a pledge: no drinking, smoking, dancing, movies, playing of cards. Events are filtered through minds and memories and prejudices, and you feel intimate with his characters. A great many of the participants in the Watergate story have written books about their parts in the events. I know a lot about that story because my son was the editor at the Boston Globe who ran that investigation, and I think thats a perfect example of how newspapers can persist in the face of denials and correct wrongs. "[32], Differences between Bernstein and Woodward, A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, "Carl Bernstein on Trump and the Current State of Journalism", "Yes, kids, there is life after high school", "He Went From Watergate to 'Heartbun,' From Investigative Superstar to Celebrity Dinner Guest. Did you? and he said, No. And the whole town shook, as far as Im concerned, because that was the first time we had been accused of getting anything wrong. I may have been an extreme case, but not a unique one. Were you the only child? It was a takedown that transcended politics, transcended ideology. Now Hollywood Shuffle is a classic, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Best coffee city in the world? Fresh out of the Navy, Bob Woodward washed out in his first attempt to work for The Washington Post, and went to work for a tiny suburban weekly. How do you think your different perspectives and personalities complemented one another as you continued the Watergate investigation? Los Angeles, Remember that Harry Styles Spitgate drama? Bob needed Carl because Carl was pushy. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Five long years of unruly marches and campus takeovers hadn't toppled the Establishment. Early one Saturday morning, June 17, 1972, the Posts city editor called Woodward to tell him that five men with cameras and electronic surveillance equipment had been arrested breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex. But it would have been I mean, there was a lot of money on the table. Make no mistake (as Nixon himself was fond of saying), what Woodward and Bernstein accomplished from 1972 to 1974 was incredible and deserving of all the accolades they received at the time. You have Hunt saying Oh, my God! At a later arraignment, one of the guys whispered to a judge. We had such good sources. Would I run like that again?. Passion and obsession intertwine in Fire of Love, With characters wise and reassuring, animated short The Boy, the Mole comforts. Im out there doing it, and if theres pressure or debate or controversy, theyre absorbing that pressure. The qualities that each other had -- the qualities that they needed [to report Watergate] -- they didnt like. Raised in a traditional Republican household, Woodward was very well-educated and has been described as gentle. When they found such a player in their legendary source "Deep Throat" -- later revealed as deputy FBI director Mark Felt -- they seemed blind to the reality that Felt wasn't motivated by an altruistic loyalty to the nation or the truth but by blind career ambition and petty revenge. Bob Woodward: We would frequently do competing drafts of stories and put it together. I'm still struck by the words that were scrawled in Spanish on a building near our hotel, saying: It's not the party, it's the system. Where were you born? With the full support of their editor, Ben Bradlee, Woodward and Bernstein continued to pursue the story, and little by little uncovered a larger story of the abuse of power and the obstruction of justice. Hed started at age two, I think. The truth that few wanted to confront was Nixon wasn't really unique at all -- just a peculiarly rotten and inept defender of a system, the national security state, that actually didn't work at all, that was corrupt to its very core. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. He was not lazy, she insisted. Ben Bradlee: Well, we were tired. Robert Redford played Woodward; Dustin Hoffman played Bernstein. But three or four days later, we got a copy of them from Ellsberg, only we didnt have three months to study them. Deep Throat is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information in 1972 to Bob Woodward, who shared it with Carl Bernstein.Woodward and Bernstein were reporters for The Washington Post, and Deep Throat provided key details about the involvement of U.S. president Richard Nixon's administration in what came to be known as the Watergate scandal. Woodward and Bernstein were successful at concealing the identity of their informant until 2005 when he outed himself due to the public. Bob Woodward: I dont know whether I feel pride. Bob Woodward: If somebody came from Mars to America and went around for months or years, and then you asked them who has the best jobs, they would say the journalists, because the journalists get to make momentary entries into peoples lives when they are interesting, and get out when they cease to be interesting. And yet it was Bernsteins daring that was necessary.. It was to see if they could find the origins of our involvement in Vietnam, and what went wrong. And in that same space of time, Woodward's written five books. It was the first film I ever made like this, Hoffman told me. Ben Bradlee: How about the Boston Globe and the Catholic Church? Woodward had married reporter Francie Barnard, and . The distinct memories I have of books are from college. I was the lowest-paid reporter at The Washington Post, because they would only give you credit with the Newspaper Guild if you had worked for a daily, and I had worked for a weekly. Im sure it would have been more interesting. I can't tell you how many times back then that Americans -- looking for a silver lining in the cloud of Watergate -- uttered this phrase: "The system worked." Professor of Communication Studies, American University School of Communication. All of us do! You want to spend time on it. He dropped out of the University of Maryland and became a reporter in New Jersey where his investigative reporting caught the eye of the Washington Post, which hired him in 1966 (via Huffington Post). See also Myron J. Smith, Watergate: An Annotated Bibliography (1983).Updated information gathered from, an online service. The Woodward and Bernstein comparison is apt because it's a reminder that they were Metro Section reporters, not Political desk reporters. Nora Ephron's novel Heartburn (1983) caused a minor journalistic sensation with its fictionalized description of her divorce from Bernstein. But in his interview with Woodward, Pakula discovered that the reporter could surprise: Other peoples secrets fascinated and obsessed him. [23], Bernstein is a frequent guest and analyst on television news programs, and in 2011 wrote articles for Newsweek/The Daily Beast, comparing Rupert Murdoch's News of the World phone-hacking scandal to Watergate. [18], Bernstein left the Post in 1977 and expanded into other areas due to his reputation from the Watergate reporting. And she said, When will we know the full story of Watergate? One of the sources I can now reveal I mean, I have talked about was Senator Goldwater, who was a great friend of my wifes family, and I used to talk to him all the time. The real crimes of the last 40 years didn't fit into the box that Woodward and Bernstein and the Watergate scandal helped to create. What in my business Ive found is that we basically do have a free press, that we can operate independently. That really is what were all about. The greater significance of Watergate was something that was hard to grasp in 1974, but seems crystal clear now, at least to me. While Woodward has written books leveling criticisms against both Nixon and Trump, his critiques have not been limited to Republican presidents, and his praise is not limited to Democratic ones. I would have summer jobs, while my parents and other siblings would go on vacation, for instance. Get to the bottom of it.. On the other hand, Bernstein was born to a Communist Jewish family. Bob Woodward: Certainly. How did you do that? He had gone to Vietnam as a soldier, so he had fought in Vietnam, but he got convinced that it was a quagmire and that it was a great mistake and that by releasing this study, he could shine light into the darkest corners and change the course of the world. What books impressed you as a kid? Bob Woodward: Well, of course, what Faulkner is trying to do is get to the interior, and in the end, as a journalist, you are trying to get to the interior. We talk all the time. "You could just tell," Shepard continued, "by how different they were that they wouldn't be friends and they wouldn't be working together. That the difficulties they put up to prevent the truth from coming out had been overcome. So this was over a period of days, I take it, that it got interesting. Alicia Shepard fills in the gaps in her very candid book, "Woodward and Bernstein: Life in the Shadow of Watergate.". For me, the still powerful memories of Watergate have been supplanted by fresher ones. Woodward cautiously would have to go from one step literally to another. The unmasking of Woodward and Bernstein sheds no credit on Bradlee, nor on his employer, my late friend, and a very gracious and generally admirable woman, Kay Graham. One of the managing editors at the Post, Howard Simons, during Watergate this was not on a Watergate story, but I was struggling with a story early in my time at the Post and he came by, and he said, You dont have to understand a man in an afternoon. In other words, you dont have to do it in a day, and you wont achieve understanding of it in an slow down, take your time, dig, go back. And she decided to do it. Youve said journalism should be called a practice, like law. [14] While there, he won first prize in New Jersey's press association for investigative reporting, feature writing, and news on a deadline. On June 17, 1972, Woodward was assigned to cover a story about an attempted burglary the night before in which five men had been arrested at the headquarters of the Still, facts and events from the book were questioned by Nixon's friends and family, and some obvious sources denied ever speaking with Bernstein and Woodward. That we do explain enough about whats going on. A day prior, another Washington Post journalist got the first swing at what would become the story of the decade. Bob Woodward: Its the nature of the business. Dont tell me never. Get to the bottom of it. That your resources, the resources of the newspaper, should be directed at completing this story, getting the full tale, if you would. Woodwards 2012 bookThe Price of Politicsexplores the efforts of President Obama and congressional leaders to restore the American economy following the financial crisis of 2008. So I did not have two years experience. And I think that they knew that each of them had strengths that the other didn't, and they relied on one another. Make no mistake (as Nixon himself was fond of saying), what Woodward and Bernstein accomplished from 1972 to 1974 was incredible and deserving of all the accolades they received at the time. Bernstein was the first to suspect that President Nixon was involved, and he found a laundered check that linked Nixon to the burglary. And whats sad about the Nixon presidency is not just the criminality and abuse of power, but the simple truth, to the best of my knowledge at this point, on those tapes no one ever says what would be good, what would be right for the country, what would be best for the country, which of course is what a president is supposed to do. But the following morning, Dan Schorr of CBS we saw on CBS Morning News shoved a microphone in front of this guy and said, The Post says you did this. And my father said probably the severest thing he has ever said to me. I think in the atmosphere we are in now, somebody who would get up and propose some of the things that were done in Vietnam, like conducting the war when we didnt believe in it, or burglarizing, or wiretapping, or doing the abusive things of Watergate, I think its so ingrained that there are enough people who would stand up and say, We cant do that. Yes. What was that about? Carl Bernstein, born on February 14, 1944, in Washington, D.C., began part-time work at the Washington Star at the age of 16 and later dropped out of the University of Maryland to work full-time as a reporter. [16], In 1992, also for Time, Bernstein wrote a cover story publicizing the alliance between Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan. Why has the heroic-journalist interpretation of Watergate persisted through the 50 years since burglars linked to Nixons campaign were arrested at the Watergate complex in Washington? But by end of 1976, they had an ugly breakup and went their separate ways. Compared to Woodward, Bernstein was a strong writer, and therefore wrote articles based on Woodward's information from Deep Throat. And there was a sort of, as I have said, I am packing my bags quality to his voice that didnt tell you everything you needed to know but certainly got you focused on, you know, this is interesting now. For example, the newspapers publisher during Watergate, Katharine Graham, pointedly rejected that interpretation during a program 25 years ago at the now-defunct Newseum in suburban Virginia. A year later, he was back at the Post, and at age 29 found himself in the middle of one of the biggest stories of the century. Were there siblings? But as Pakula began to understand Woodward, he wondered if the charming, handsome Redford, then 39, could play someone so different from himself. The burglary was revealed as part of an extensive program of political espionage and sabotage run by Nixon subordinates at the White House and its political campaign organization, the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRP, or, as referred to in most later press coverage, CREEP). We didnt allow any television people in. Bob Woodward: Sure. So it was the classic kind of Winesburg, Ohio small town. ALICIA C. SHEPARD, who teaches journalism at American University, is the author of "Woodward and Bernstein: Life in the Shadow of Watergate. In fact, it probably doesnt work that often. You get to have access to people you wouldnt normally have access to. His parents were members of the Communist Party. When you were a child, who most inspired you? Woodward has written best-selling books on the last ten presidentsNixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. I recall in that incident, I did one, he did one, and I looked at his, and I realized his was better, as was almost always the case. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. There were no bars in town. Well, it turns out a lot of CIA people were, and they tried to use the CIA to cover up the FBI investigation, but they never pinned it on the CIA. The first report featuring the now legendary journalists came on June 19, 1972, two days after the break-ins and arrest of the conspirators (via Constitution Center). Pakula gradually realized that neither Woodward nor Bernstein could have pulled off Watergate alone. Following the 1972 arrests, journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post investigated the scandal relentlessly. Robert Dole, and Doles successor as the chairman of the Republican Party, George Bush the first. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. AllRightsReserved. [22] A CBS News end-of-year survey of publishing "hits and misses" included A Woman in Charge in the "miss" category and implied that its total sales were somewhere in the range of perhaps 55,00065,000 copies. We're much better friends than we were at the time. The book and movie introduced Woodwards super-secret source, Deep Throat. For 31 years after Nixons resignation, Washington periodically engaged publicly in guessing games about the sources identity. . Each of these presidents had their own way of responding. The fastest-selling book in the history of its publisher, Simon & Schuster, it immediately topped The New York Times bestseller list, and within eight days of publication was already in its tenth printing. I think most people feel that the old Post would have just sat by. We worked her over very hard, but so did the lawyers. Ben Bradlee: Probably the first or second day, really. [17] A second book, The Final Days, was published by Bernstein and Woodward in 1976 as a follow-up chronicling Nixon's last days in office. This is not your average burglary.. What were some of the mistakes? We had heard that they had this big blockbuster coming up, and suddenly, they just dropped this on us. Legendary Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were guests on Sunday's "Reliable Sources" on CNN. And my father, a man of great restraint, nonjudgmental in fact, said probably the severest thing he has ever said to me. The recordings captured Nixon, six days after the burglary, agreeing to a plan to deter the FBI from pursuing its Watergate investigation. Since the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan closed the lid on the post-Watergate era, we've seen a president who WASN'T impeached for evading Congress to cut secret arms deals in Iran and fund a secret war in Nicaragua, a president who WAS impeached for lying about his sex life, and a president who WASN'T impeached for lying the nation into a war that killed thousands of American soldiers and innocent civilians, while carrying out torture and other violations of human rights more "perverse" than anything during Nixon's presidency. But they missed decisive elements of Watergate, notably the payment of hush money to the burglars and the existence of Nixons White House tapes. This was the lesson of Watergate: Nixon Exceptionalism, that the 37th president was so "uniquely and pervasively" corrupt that the fair and decent American "system worked" and removed him on the basis of the objective, indisputable fact of his evil. He wouldnt say. Mr. Woodward, there is an interesting scene in the book and in the film All the Presidents Men where you tap out a story and Carl Bernstein immediately starts rewriting it, and youre miffed. The duo of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein have become synonymous with reporting the comings and goings of the Watergate scandal. In 1974, two years after the Watergate burglary and two months before Nixon resigned, Bernstein and Woodward released the book All the President's Men. These guys lied because they didnt know the truth, and they couldnt believe that they were being lied to. It was a White House operation. He soon became the papers leading reporter, and by September 1971, the Post was ready to give him another try. It seemed to always be about Nixon. THIS year marks the 30th anniversary of the movie All the Presidents Men, starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, respectively. While Bernstein was surprised by how mythical Deep Throat became in American pop culture, he remains as much of a part of the Watergate story as Woodward and Bernstein. what was the advice to woodward and bernstein what was the advice to woodward and bernstein (No Ratings Yet) . They wanted to have a whole presidency where they could do what they wanted and no one would examine them or scrutinize them, and they got in trouble, a lot of them, because of this. Editors looked around and thought, Who could we call in? But glaring gaps remain. Ben Bradlee: A book had been taken out of the library. Just it was terribly, critically important that we do it right and that we not brag, not seem to be bragging, and that we didnt allow any television in there for days. 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