Beings of this type would be a bit like mermaids and mermen. Perhaps the 'sirens' are, figuratively, a chorus of mermaids recalled from earlier times.They are called in Greek Seiren.It is Such words would have more persuasion behind them (to me they're merely an emotional appeal to sympathy) if Temple had ever admitted anywhere in print that he had found (or had been shown) any errors in his book or articles or public statements -- but if he has done so, I haven't become aware of them. In a response published in Fate magazine, he denied intending that: "I refer, entirely in passing, to the Greek word for siren and its similarity to the word for Sirius, drawing absolutely The Bad Archaeology page on the Sirius Mystery has summarize the basic details well: In 1976, Robert K G Temple (born 1945), an American living in the UK, published what was to become a seminal work of Bad Archaeology, The Sirius Mystery. characteristics. Strangely, ancient records explicitly list Sirius as one of six "red stars." One group says the Dogon got their information from aliens from the Sirian system called Nommos. Swift appears to have taken the idea of two close (although not necessarily small) moons of Mars from Voltaire's novel Micromegos in which an The Dogon have a traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. He points out that Griaule and Dieterlen stand alone in their claims about the Dogon secret knowledge. Carl Sagan agreed with Temple that the Dogon could not have acquired In his 1998 revised edition, Temple was quick to point out the new discussions in scientific circles about the possible existence of Sirius C, which seemed to make Griaules claims even more spectacular and accurate. Temple, however, has stated in the reprint of The Sirius Mystery (1999) that he in no way supports what he refers to as "sinister cults" that have been inspired by his book. Read the January issue of Michael Shermers Scientific American column for free on Kool-Aid Psychology: How optimism trumped realism in the positive-psychology movement. Feature Articles Dogon shame Did ancient gods from the Sirius star system visit an African tribe 5,000 years ago? Dogon to explain their beliefs. African Observers of the Universe: The Sirius Question. In, Ortiz de Montellano, Bernard R. 1996. For instance, the anthropologist Walter Van Beek, who studied the Dogon after Griaule and Dieterlen, found no evidence that the Dogon considered Sirius to be a double star and/or that astronomy was particularly important in their belief system. Nigel Appleby whose book Hall of the Gods was withdrawn from publication has admitted to being tremendously influenced by Temples Sirius Mystery. Am I getting too picky here? Sirius figures prominently in the Dogon myths. WebDogon and the Sirius Mystery. It's fascinating. WebAccording to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. He was told that fishlike creatures called the Nommo had come to Earth from Sirius to civilizes its people. ), There were Giants in the earthin those days Genesis 6:1. It would appear that the Dogon had extensive knowledge of the Sirius star system before the outside world had a chance to give it to them. Review. The Dogons hold that Jupiter has four moons when in fact it has at least 12, plus a ring, as any true extraterrestrial would have known. Sirius. Subscribe to eSkeptic: our free email newsletter and get great podcasts, videos, reviews and articles from Skeptic magazine, announcements, and more in your inbox once or twice a week. He was told that fishlike creatures called the Nommo had come to Earth from Sirius to civilizes its people. The Dogon have a traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. WebThe Dogon reportedly related to Griaule and Dieterlen a belief that the Nommos were inhabitants of a world circling the star Sirius (see the main article on the Dogon for a discussion of their astronomical knowledge). ;p7D) Some might argue that if there were a planet really close to Sirius A, it could be in a stable orbit. Its appearance in the dawn sky over Egypt warned of the impending Nile floods and the summer's heat and marked the beginning of the Egyptian calendar. This step was taken by others, particularly Temple, in the Sixties and Seventies. In 1966, Temple then aged 21 became Secretary of Youngs Foundation for the Study of Consciousness. Although he was an anthropologist, Griaule was keenly interested in astronomy and had studied it in Paris. One additional disturbing note: That distance has been computed based on a true geodetic oblate spheroid, but even assuming a flat surface would only have introduced an error of a few tenths of one percent at most (Temple obviously didn't know that, or he wouldn't have asserted that measurements even less accurate than that were proof that ancients took Earth's sphericity into account.). For example, he claims that the Dogon have a drawing like the one in Figure 1. from black Egyptians who had telescopes. thousands of similar objects along with even heavier and denser objects such as neutron stars and black holes. Legends of the Dogon Belief in a Long-Solved Mystery Resurfaces. [7] Others, such as Marcel Griaule's daughter Genevive Calame-Griaule and an anthropologist, Luc de Heusch, came to criticize Van Beek's dismissal as "political" and riddled with "unchecked speculation", demonstrating a general ignorance of Dogon esoteric tradition. If a European had visited the Dogon in the 1920's and 1930's, conversation would likely have turned to astronomical matters, including Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and the center of Dogon mythology. He made no secret of the fact that his intention was to redeem But it is an unfortunate tendency for certain reviewers to wish to try and appear clever at the expense of accuracy, honesty, objectivity, fairness, or even decent manners, by dropping any standards at all in their headlong assaults on authors using only the tools of distortion, dishonesty, and insults. The book presents the hypothesis that the Dogon people of Mali, in West Africa, preserve a tradition of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings from the Sirius star system. Print versions available in Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and Korean. Such is the case with the Dogon a West African people and their supposed advanced and inexplicable knowledge of the stars Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is the brightest star in our sky. 2Q9-mV5F W4g?`Su#q6a]sdaGr*_70 ! ;`~RS)Hm@FGI.m3gcW|PF.(`VypT!]WM6'b//^FX[P\9:H37)DH,y|F(&Da]w o9-K?MR+z.R}7.ubqUIXVy~frF@". Using spherical trig, I got 612.3 km for the Siwa-Behdet leg and 654.8 km for the Thebes-Behdet. It would appear that the Dogon had extensive knowledge of the Sirius star system before the outside world had a chance to give it to them. I published, showed the distances to be nowhere close, in error by tens of miles, at least ten percent -- hardly "immense accuracy. He certainly did not have permission to use that statement as part of the promotion, I'11 just have to be even more careful hereafter.". The tribe has a periodic Sirius festival called the "Segui" ceremony; each celebration lasts several years (the last was in 1968-72.) Could Sirius B have been a red giant a few thousand years ago? The Nommos descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. contact with some ugly, amphibious* Temple considers alternative possibilities other than alien contact, such as a very ancient, advanced, and lost civilization that was behind the sudden appearance of advanced civilization in both Egypt and Sumer. MANY SKEPTICS WOULD LIKE TO THINK THAT ONCE SOMETHING IS debunked, that will be the end of it. But Fishs map used an arbitrary viewpoint in space. WebThe Dogon understanding of astronomy was comparatively modern but has several known misconceptions - it entirely lines up with the European understanding as of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the discovery of relativity. We may never be able to reconstruct the exact route by which the Dogon received their current knowledge, but out of the confusion at least one thing is clear: In 1952, Young was one of nine people present during the first contact with the Council, an event initiated by Andrija Puharich, the man who brought Israeli spoonbender Uri Geller to America. "Nowhere in his 295 page book does Temple offer one specific statement from the Dogon to substantiate his ancient astronauts claim." 139-167. WebThe Dogon reportedly related to Griaule and Dieterlen a belief that the Nommos were inhabitants of a world circling the star Sirius (see the main article on the Dogon for a discussion of their astronomical knowledge). Flim-Flam! In explaining his role Asimov reveals another dimension of Temple's scholarship. According to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. star" (Sirius B) and describe its density and rotational "It does not!" A revised edition was published in 1998 with the new subtitle New scientific The Dogon are supposed to have known that Sirius B orbits Sirius and that a complete orbit takes Temples solution referred to legends of a mythical creature, the god Oannes, who might have been an extraterrestrial, described as descending to Earth from the stars to bring civilising wisdom to the Dogon forefathers. What is interesting is that the Dogon knew about Sirius and its triple star system way before modern science found out its existence. rotation is astronomically possible but whether it is correct or not we cannot yet know. The immunity of pseudoscientists to criticism is well known to skeptics, yet I was curious. He also gives public talks on astronomy and related fringe topics to international audiences. The author mentions that he could have made the book much longer but restrained himself "lest I blow this book up into a pufball of miscellaneous odds and ends" -- which prompted one reviewer to remark that Temple had stopped much too late to avoid that fate. Sirius Young was a fervent believer in the Council of Nine, a mysterious group of channelled entities that claim to be the nine creator gods of ancient Egypt. And does the Dogon mythology ever really say that Nommo, the founder They point out that the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used spherical lenses6 (even though they are a bad choice to use in telescopes try seeing an image through a glass bead). Though Temples work was challenged, at its core lay the original anthropological study of the Dogon by Griaule and Dieterlen, who describe the secret knowledge of Sirius B and Sirius C in their own book The Pale Fox. Griaule, Marcel. ", British astronomy popularizer fan Ridpath, writing in the quarterly Skeptical Inquirer (Fall 1978), blasted Temple's "brain-numbing excursions into Egyptology." According to Thomas Bullard, van Beek speculates that Griaule Is Sirius a Triple Star?, Adams, H. H. 1983. (Copyright Lee Krystek 1998) In Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon. It is a type of fuel that can lead to what Clay Farris Naff cleverly calls the neuron bomb. In this post, Michael Shermer asks, Is there a moral standard that stands above all the worlds religions that is based on some transcendent source?. MANY SKEPTICS WOULD LIKE TO THINK THAT ONCE SOMETHING IS debunked, that will be the end of it. At least three are farther and at least one of them has rings too. No such nebula is seen. Mali was a former French colony (part of the Sudan), so some Dogon may have gone to French schools in the 1920s.7 Or Jesuit missionaries or merchants may have imparted the information to them.8, There may be an even simpler explanation. Nor does he establish a connection between the Dogon creator Nommo and the star Sirius. WebThe Dogon understanding of astronomy was comparatively modern but has several known misconceptions - it entirely lines up with the European understanding as of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the discovery of relativity. Most important, no one, even within the circle Predictions are often reinterpreted to fit any outcome, which makes them scientifically worthless but which can be claimed to verify the pseudo- scientific claims. "Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of Marcel He soon multiplied to become six pairs of twins. in elliptical orbits of astronomical phenomena. Temple lists a number of astronomical beliefs held by the Dogon that WebNew evidence deals a devastating blow to what was considered to be the best case for extraterrestrial visitation. When I set him a draft of a sharply critical review written for Astronomy magazine, he replied with a blistering counterattack in a letter to my editor: "A virulent attack against my honesty, integrity, and intelligence," he called my review. What is interesting is that the Dogon knew about Sirius and its triple star system way before modern science found out its existence. The greatest source of error, however, seems to be in Temple's specified location of Behdet. What about Sirius? Figure 1. The inspiration for this claim was a star map produced by Betty Hill while under hypnosis. The obviously advanced astronomical knowledge must have come from somewhere, but is it an ancient bequest or a modern graft? Sagan further commented that he was surprised, given the freedom of viewpoint that Fish used, that her map didnt match the Hill map better!4. by Liam McDaid. Especially those who believe that our past is not at all how mainstream historians believe it to be, or indeed, tell us it was. History Debunked then goes on to demonstrate the type of pseudo-scientific nonsense this has lead to by providing a link to an Ethnomathematics paper and reading out its conclusion. Temple does not argue that contact with an advanced civilization is the only way that the Dogon could have obtained what he understood to be accurate information on Sirius B, but he indicates that he personally finds the theory of alien contact more convincing. claims about the antiquity of this information or of a connection with We need more reliable evidence -- especially theories that can be tested. When Walter van Beek studied the Dogon, he Cuddle up with someone. Further, "The fact that the Dogon do not talk of another planet with rings beyond Saturn [i.e., Uranus, whose rings were discovered in 1977--and the rings of Jupiter weren't discovered until after Sagan's book was written, although they would have been clearly visible to any arriving extraterrestrial spacecraft] suggests to me that their informants were European, not extraterrestrial." The stars in this group are too young only a few tens of millions of years for planets with life and civilization to have developed. Sirius B was first observed in 1862, and had been predicted in 1844 on dynamic grounds. It seems that Temples ideas are still popular among practitioners of pseudoarcheology, as well as with the general public. Also, why would the Dogan people not divulge where they received such recent knowledge of transfer if they had of gotten this knowledge from Europeans. Somehow, Temple and I have never gotten our disputes off on the right foot. McDaid, Liam. So much for the Nommos. %PDF-1.4 ), Another example: "The Dogon also mention a period of rotation of Sirius- Bone yearthis different civilizations thousands of miles or thousands of years apart and to other equally questionable tactics. Mysteries (Ballantine Books, 1999). The Nine became part of the UFO and New Age mythology and many claim to be in contact with them. The diagram is only convincing as a representation of Sirius B orbiting Sirius A when most of the original symbols are eliminated. Credulous scholars, like Young and Temple, were taken in and through them a whole generation has swallowed the false mythology of aliens from the Dark Sirius Companion. This article appeared in Fortean Times. Fishs map and Hills map look similar only because the lines connecting the stars look the same. Giants appear in cultures around the world: Biblical tales of giants more than ten feet tall; Roman and Greek stories of titans and heroes; European stories of giants of mountain and hill. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Read Skeptic on Apple or Android devices, or on PC or Mac via The Dogon understanding of astronomy was comparatively modern but has several known misconceptions - it entirely lines up with the European understanding as of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the discovery of relativity. Sirius B was known to exist then. (And presumably, that the Egyptians then located their river deltas, eases, and river ports deliberately on geometric rather than purely geographical grounds, I'm tempted to ask?) sources for Temple's story. I did more searching and found that for the keywords Dogon and Sirius B, almost 1000 websites were listed. He soon multiplied to become six pairs of twins. Webplanet earth. Griaule," Current Anthropology 32, 1992, pp. The Dogon are a people of about 100,000 who dwell in western Africa. Randi, James. Legends of the Dogon Belief in a Long-Solved Mystery Resurfaces. of Griaule informants, had ever heard or understood that Sirius was a They seem to have The Dogon. seem curious. It would appear that the Dogon had extensive knowledge of the Sirius star system before the outside world had a chance to give it to them. The biggest challenge to Griaule, however, came from anthropologist Walter Van Beek. himself and his loose speculations on what he learned from Griaule, who Clearly the Dogons (in common with many other cultures) were fascinated by Sirius, probably because its position in the sky was crucial to successful agriculture (it's the only star they have a name for.) They all have one thing in common: enormous monsters. Through the carbon dating of old ritual masks researchers have established the antiquity of the Segui ceremonies. Pseudoarchaeology book by Robert K. G. Temple,, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 16:12. The Sirius mystery, though, remains of great interest to many researchers today. Seriously: The Dogon and Sirius? Scientists learn that the Dogon do not possess secret knowledge about the star Sirius and its companions. But didn't Isaac Asimov check over the book for just such factual errors, as the publisher claims? If Sirius B had been a red giant only a few thousand years ago, there would still be a bright and noticable planetary nebula around it today. To recapitulate: Griaule claimed to have been initiated into the secret mysteries of the male Dogon, during which they allegedly told him of Sirius (sigu tolo in their language) and its two invisible companions. Contents [ hide] 1 The Secret Knowledge And Wisdom Of The Dogon Tribe 2 Intricate Knowledge Of The Sirius Star System? 11.1. The Bad Archaeology page on the Sirius Mystery has summarize the basic details well: In 1976, Robert K G Temple (born 1945), an American living in the UK, published what was to become a seminal work of Bad Archaeology, The Sirius Mystery. Carl Sagan's contribution to this discussion was in his book Broca's Brain (1979). Temples "Robert Temple on three different occasions, by mail and phone, attempted to get support from me and I steadfastly refused," Asimov wrote. But that doesn't stop Temple. As James and Thorpe point out, he took star maps along with him on his field trips as a way of prompting his informants to divulge their knowledge of the stars. Using similar techniques other writers have "discovered" dozens of different, often contradictory "ancient secrets" about Atlantis, primitive Christianity, forgotten wisdom, ancient visitors and numerous other things. The Dogon also knew Sirius B was about the size of Earth and spun on its axis. Obviously, no Earth-based species was flying to other stars back then! Other ancient astronomical records make no mention of Sirius being red. This is the original Dogon drawing. At the latitude of Egypt, over distances of several hundred kilometers, planetary curvature introduces distortions only on the order of fractions of kilometers, not the tens of kilometers worth of inaccuracies I found in Temple's claim. What is interesting is that the Dogon knew about Sirius and its triple star system way before modern science found out its existence. The former study also concluded that while a triple system for Sirius could not be fully eliminated, the probability was low. Bullard, Thomas. Since Oberg cannot do so, we need not concern ourselves with criticisms of The Sirius Mystery." After being surprised that an astromomy association would, after all this time, bother to publish such an article, I did a web search and found that in 1997 Robert Temple published a second edition of the book that started it all TheSirius Mystery in which he addressed none of the main criticisms that had been directed against the first edition, published in 1976. Of those websites, over 400 had been updated within the last three months. Investigating they were not told by beings from the star Sirius.". interpreter. He was told that fishlike creatures called the Nommo had come to Earth from Sirius to civilizes its people. The Dogon were in fact aware of the fact that Sirius is a binary system (i.e. Its appearance in the dawn sky over Egypt warned of the impending Nile floods and the summer's heat and marked the beginning of the Egyptian calendar. knowledge of the satellites of Jupiter and rings of Saturn, among other Even in the most optimistic reading of this tale, the Dogon know no more than we knew about the Solar System and nearby stars in the 1930s, which is about the time that Griaule and Deiterlen first interacted with them. As the brightest star in the sky it was known and worshiped by ancient civilizations. [2][1] The book was first published by St. Martin's Press in 1976. Below: The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy (discovered in 2003) is the nearest known galaxy to the centre of the Milky Way. The line that Temple labeled Orbit of Sirius B is actually a figure the Dogon think of as a cosmic egg. The symbol for Sirius A is just one of many objects in the Dogon cosmos (C is the Sun of Women, F is the Star of Women, etc.). If a European had visited the Dogon in the 1920's and 1930's, conversation would likely have turned to astronomical matters, including Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and the center of Dogon mythology. And finally, even if Sirius B had been a visible red giant a few thousand years ago, how would the Dogon know that Sirius B was still there after it became a white dwarf? hVt*f+"c2aC-w.EJ|@F[VXLV~oo>l B>xU.9y'nYnZ6aBlc3y&A%M]XME Legends of the Dogon Belief in a Long-Solved Mystery Resurfaces. This means that it will have a lifetime on the stellar Main Sequence, which is where stars spend 90% of their lives, of about 1.2 billion years. The alleged visitors from outer space Sirius was already the subject of a mystery concerning the traditional lore of the Dogon tribe of Mali, near Timbuktu in western Africa. "wished to affirm the complexity of African religions and questioned "At first glance," Sagan admitted, "the Sirius legend of the Dogon seems For more then 20 years, The Sirius Mystery has influenced speculation about the possibility that our forefathers came from the stars. African thought. All agree, however, that they learned about the star from Griaule. Van Beek states that this creates a major problem for Griaules claims. informed the Dogon of Sirius B or "he misinterpreted their references The two anthropologists had lived among the Dogon tribe in Africa since 1931, and in 1946 Griaule was initiated into the religious secrets of the tribe. The Dogon and Sirius. The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark (New In 1965, Arthur Young gave Robert Temple a French article on the secret star lore of the Dogon, an article written by two French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. Because Sirius B moves from 8 to 31 AU distance from Sirius A, it is unlikely that planets orbiting Sirius A would have stable orbits. The Dogon. But was anything left out? He has written of Temples belief that present-day authorities are unwilling to set aside the blinkers of orthodoxy, unable to admit the validity of anything that lies outside their field or that offers a challenge to the status quo. Appleby also believes there exists a modern arrogance that cannot countenance the idea that ancient civilisations might have been scientifically superior. With this, the Dogon mystery comes crashing down. Another claim: that in Egypt the oasis of Siwa and the ancient Nile City of Thebes are both equidistant from the shrine city of Behdet, in the delta -- and the same exact distance, too. Hmm, The Cardiff Giant, one of the most celebrated hoaxes in American history, on display at the Farmers Museum in Cooperstown, NY. amphibious aliens or telescopic vision due to melanin. extraterrestrial visitor tells earthmen about the undiscovered Martian moons. Furthermore, there had been a scientific equipment, so how could they get this knowledge? Seeking Clarity? (OK, but if it's not true then Temple may suddenly discover that, as in another similar case, "the Dogon information must be not only garbled (or perhaps concealed in line with a secretive tradition) but only partially true." Classical mythology has been a Rorschach test into which people have projected nearly any notion that appealed to them. The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. Copyright 19922023. Temple has made very few verifiable assertions about mythology (and The Sirius Mystery is overwhelmingly about ancient myths, not about the Dogons or modern astronomy). You guessed it -- Sirius! History Debunked then goes on to demonstrate the type of pseudo-scientific nonsense this has lead to by providing a link to an Ethnomathematics paper and reading out its conclusion. extraterrestrials, the Nommos, some 5,000 years ago. Ancient astronauts entrepreneur Erich von Daniken endorses and adopts Temple's explanations in his latest book, Von Daniken's Proof. What is interesting is that the Dogon knew about Sirius and its triple star system way before modern science found out its existence. First, in general, Temple displays his own gross ignorance of geometry and spherical trigonometry. The Dogon were in fact aware of the fact that Sirius is a binary system (i.e. Here, then, is another datum to be investigated when it is possible." Paranormal, ed. Either way, the original purity of the Dogon-Sirius story is itself a myth as it is highly likely that Griaule contaminated their knowledge with his own. Webplanet earth. I disagree. Astronomers Carl Sagan and Ian Ridpath, for example, have suggested that the modern astronomical aspects of the complex Dogon mythology entered the lore only recently, probably shortly before the myths were written down in the 1930s. Such assimilation occurs most frequently when the subject is one of particular interest to a people -- as Sirius is to the Dogons. A dynamical study published in 1995, based on anomalous perturbations of Sirius B (suggestive of the star being gravitationally influenced by another body) concluded that the presence of a third star orbiting Sirius could not be ruled out. According to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. Readers of Skeptic are not so sanguine. "He sent me the manuscript which I found unreadable. For instance, the anthropologist Walter Van Beek, who studied the Dogon after Griaule and Dieterlen, found no evidence that the Dogon considered Sirius to be a double star and/or that astronomy was particularly important in their belief system. for some unknown reason from a planet orbiting Knowledge of the stars is not important 1995. As an example, Sagan believes that because the Dogon seem to have no knowledge of another planet beyond Saturn which has rings, their knowledge is therefore more likely to have come from European, and not extraterrestrial, sources.[11]. New evidence deals a devastating blow to what was considered to be the best case for extraterrestrial visitation. Make no mention of Sirius B, almost 1000 websites were listed of geometry and spherical trigonometry original symbols eliminated! No mention of Sirius B ) and describe its density and rotational `` it does not!, 1992 pp... Many claim to be the end of it Giants in the Sixties and Seventies contents [ ]. 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